Health and Safety Policy
The management of Arrow Transport Limited is committed to continuous improvement in Health and Safety and undertakes to:
Provide each worker with a safe and healthy workplace.
Take all practicable steps to prevent accidents and incidents and protect workers, members of the public and contractors from risk and to promote the health and well-being of workers.
In meeting this commitment we will:
1. Establish and insist upon safe methods and safe practices at all times.
2. Comply with the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 and all legislative requirements, codes of practice and safe operating procedures relevant to our workplace.
3. Ensure that all accidents and incidents are accurately reported and recorded.
It is the policy of Arrow Transport Limited to conduct our business at all times without risk to our workers. We acknowledge our ongoing commitment to and responsibility for maintaining the highest possible health and safety standards. The safety and occupational health of our workers is a matter of prime concern to the company.
Every worker is expected to share in the commitment to this policy. We encourage all workers to take responsibility for their own safety and that of others while at work and to actively involve themselves in the health and safety process.